New IELTS 2020

Major Changes in IELTS Listening


From January 2020 some small changes are being introduced to the instructions and layout of the paper-based Listening test as follows:


  • Change of the word ‘Sections’ to Parts’ – The new version of the paper-based test will now say: The paper will be divided into Part 1, 2, 3, 4.


  • Removal of Section 1 example – The paper-based version of the test will now say: Part 1 will not include an example.


  • Removal of the page number references. For example, test takers will be instructed to look at questions 1 – 4.


A table showing the changes with examples is below:


ChangeExample CurrentExample New
‘Sections’ changes to ‘Parts’.The paper is divided into Section 1, 2, 3, 4.The paper will be divided into Part 1, 2, 3, 4.
No Section 1 example.Section 1 includes an example.Part 1 will not include an example.
No page number references.Candidates are instructed to look at, e.g. questions 1 – 4 on page 3.Candidates will be instructed to look at, e.g. questions 1 – 4.


These changes are being introduced to ensure that paper-based and computer-delivered versions are synchronized.